Nigerian Journal of Social Studies (NJSS)
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Nigerian Journal of Social Studies (NJSS) is published annually by the Social Studies Association of Nigeria(SOSAN). The journal publishes well researched and well articulated papers/articles on all issues relating to social studies which use a variety of appropriate approaches in the conduct of research and inquiry in theoretical, empirical and experimental studies. The editors invite submission of manuscripts from contributors for publication. Manuscripts are peer reviewed anonymously, and those that are accepted are published in the following issue of the journal.
Click on the links below to read and download articles from our old volumes
VOL. 27 (2) OCTOBER, 2024
VOL. 27 (1) APRIL, 2024
VOL. 26 (2) OCTOBER, 2023
VOL. 26 (1) APRIL, 2023
VOL. 25 (2) OCT, 2022
VOL. 25 (1) APRIL, 2022
VOL. XXIV (1) APRIL, 2021
VOL. XXIII (1) APRIL, 2020
VOL. XXII (1) APRIL, 2019
VOL. XXI (2) OCTOBER, 2018
VOL. XXI (1) APRIL, 2018
VOL. XX (2) OCTOBER, 2017
V-OL. XX (1) APRIL, 2017
VOL. XIX (2) OCTOBER, 2016
VOL. XIX (1) APRIL, 2016
VOL. XVIII (1) APRIL, 2015
VOL. XVI (1) APRIL, 2013
VOL. XV (2) APRIL 2012
VOL. XIV (1) APRIL, 2011
VOL. XIII (1 & 2) 2010
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Objective of the Journal
The objective of the journal is to provide a medium for the dissemination of educational research and exchange of experience among academics, scholars, teachers and others interested in social education. Particular interest will be given to articles which explore new directions of approaches in the teaching of social studies.
Notes to Contributors
- The Nigerian Journal of Social Studies will consider for publication articles that deal with:
- The nature of social studies.
- Curriculum organization in social studies.
- Methods and techniques for teaching and learning social studies.
- Analysis of physical and social issues which can be used by the classroom teachers of social studies. read more...
Author Guidelines
- Submit one electronic copy (preferably as an attachment in Ms Word or PDF) to:
- Manuscripts should contain two title pages, one omitting author’s names and identifying information for the purpose of blind review.
- Author(s) are to spell out one of their given names in full with surname in CAPITAL letters. Indicate your e-mail addresses and phone number on the title page.
- Authors should give brief information themselves (e.g. names, qualifications, job status and experience).
- Prepare manuscripts according to the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Journal Layout
Title: This must be short and concise (no longer than 15 words), positioned at the centre of the page, in capital letters. It is followed by the authors’ names, institutional affiliations and addresses (including email address and phone number).
Abstract: This should consist of a maximum of 100 words and should capture the important features of the paper. It is typed single spaced italicized and put at the centre of the page i.e. indented. The word abstract starts at the left margin. read more...